
Your Next Steps

  • Step 1: Express Interest

    Fill out our interest form below. A member of our admissions team will contact you to answer your questions and provide more info.

  • Step 2: Attend an Info Session

    Throughout the year, we will be hosting information sessions for prospective parents and students. Ask all your questions, meet the leadership team, and connect with other parents.

  • Step 3: Apply to Enroll

    Please fill out our simple application form. After your application is complete, our headmaster will meet one-on-one with you and your student.

The Cost of a Chesterton Education

Chesterton Academy of the Rogue Valley is committed to offering an outstanding high school education at an affordable cost to families. Because tuition does not cover the full cost of an education at Chesterton, families are expected to aid in fundraising efforts throughout the school year.

  • Tuition: $6,700
    Fees: $450
    Uniforms: $200-300

  • Tuition assistance is limited at this point in our school’s recent activation. When aid is available, we allocate our limited aid dollars fairly based on need. An admissions application must be completed before being considered for aid. In addition to tuition assistance, a limited number of scholarship opportunities may exist for exceptionally promising students. Please contact us for more information on applying for aid.

  • Chesterton Academy of the Rogue Valley admits students of any race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.

Connect with our admissions team.

Fill out the form below to express admissions interest, and we will follow up with more info.

Admissions Events

Placement Exam

All students are required to take a placement exam as part of the enrollment process. The placement exam is used as a diagnostic tool to ensure students are placed in the appropriate section of math or Latin, and to help identify areas of academic strengths and opportunities for growth.

Chesterton Academy of the Rogue Valley administers the Classic Learning Test 8 as its placement exam for incoming freshmen. The placement exam covers:

  • Verbal reasoning skills

  • Grammar and writing skills

  • Quantitative reasoning skills

  • An optional Latin exam is also offered